In Development


book/lyrics by Isabella Dawis

music by Tidtaya Sinutoke

A new music-theater piece based on the story of Japanese astronomer and "hidden figure" Hisako Koyama. Performed by an all-Asian women cast — with an innovative score featuring electronic live looping and taiko drumming — it's the story of one woman's extraordinary dedication to the power of observation.

Half the Sky

book/lyrics by Isabella Dawis

music by Tidtaya Sinutoke

Winner, Weston-Ghostlight New Musical Award (2020)

The story of an Asian American woman climbing Mount Everest — a contemporary American musical on a global scale, infused with the sounds of traditional Thai and Himalayan folk music.


Chambers of the Heart

original songs & score by Isabella Dawis

choreography by Kyle Weiler

Center for Performing Arts (Minneapolis, MN) // September 7, 2024

Twelfth Night

original songs & score by Isabella Dawis

directed by Marcela Lorca

Ten Thousand Things (Minneapolis, MN) // October 5-November 19, 2023

Before the Last Meter

libretto by Isabella Dawis

music by Saman Shahi

Atlanta Opera (Atlanta, GA) // June 20, 2022

Watershed Festival (Kingston, ON) // May 27, 2023